Southern United Hockey Club

Policies, Codes & Statements


Club’s strategic plan 2016-2023


Southern United Hockey Club (SUHC) supports Hockey Victoria’s (HV) adoption of the Hockey Australia’s Member Protection Policy. The policy provides SUHC’s position on harassment, discrimination, child protection. It outlines the legal and ethical rights and responsibilities of those involved in our sport. In addition it provides the procedure for dealing with complaints.

Click Here to download the Hockey Australia Member Protection Policy


A Member Protection Information Officer is responsible for providing information about a person’s rights, responsibilities and options to an individual making a complaint or raising a concern. They can also provide information and advice to sport administrators and complaint handlers with regard to the Member Protection Policy of that sport. MPIOs are generally impartial; they do not mediate or investigate complaints.

Click Here for further information about HV’s Member Protection Information Officer

SUHC have appointed Helen Ward as it’s interim MPIO officer and she can be contacted by email




The Inclusion Officer works in conjunction with HV and SUHC to support and promote a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for all throughout the Hockey community.

SUHC have appointed Tim Cole as our Inclusion Officer and he can be contacted by email 

Click Here for information on the role of the Inclusion Officer


From 1 January 2017, the Child Safe Standards will apply to sporting organisations that operate and provide sporting services to children within Victoria (including National Sporting Organisations). The Standards apply to organisations as a whole, not only the areas that work with children. The Standards apply to all personnel in your organisation. This includes: • Board of Management / Committee Members • All paid staff (CEO, Executive, Employees) • All Volunteers (Coaches, officials, administrators, scorers etc) • All students on placement • Any contractors you engage

As part of SUHC’s commitment to these standards we have attached our Child Safe Code of Conduct and Child Safe Policy   All coaches will be given a copy of these as well as all senior players signing up to the Code of Conduct when they register with SUHC.

As a club that is part of Hockey Australia we are part of the Safe Hockey program. The Safe Hockey Hub can be accessed here 


SUHC club endorses the HV / HA Codes of Behaviour. Every person in the Victorian Hockey Community has the right to participate in an environment which is safe, welcoming and inclusive. Equally every player, coach, official, spectator and administrator plays a part in ensuring their actions and behaviours are supportive of these values.

Click Here for HA’s Codes of Behaviour


Social inclusion is about making sure everyone is able to participate as valued, respected and contributing members of society. It is also about the acceptance and equal treatment of members of the wider community regardless of their gender, gender identity, sexuality, age, disability, religious or cultural background, or other attributes that may lead to people feeling excluded or isolated. This policy provides Hockey Victoria’s (HV) and SUHC’S position on the inclusion of all people.

Click Here do download HV’s Inclusion Policy


Social media offers the opportunity for people to gather in online communities of shared interest and create, share or consume content. As a member-based organisation, HV and SUHC recognises the benefits of social media as an important tool of engagement and enrichment for its members. HV and SUHC welcome comments, ideas, and insights from its hockey community. Social media is now part of everyday life for a growing number of people and is evolving the way we communicate. It is an important tool that when used appropriately increases the visibility of the sport.

HV, its affiliates, associations and clubs have long histories and are highly respected organisations. It is important that HV’s, SUHC’s and hockey’s reputation is not tarnished by anyone using social media tools inappropriately, particularly in relation to any content that might reference the organisation.

Click Here to download the HV Social Media Policy

Click Here to view Southern United’s Social Media Policy for club members.

Hockey Australia Complaints, disputes and Discipline Policy

Click Here


At SUHC we value and embrace diversity and consider a mix of human differences is essential to growth and development of our organisation. We understand the contribution that a wider range of skills, knowledge and experience will bring to our hockey club.  New ideas, innovation, creativity, problem solving, continuous improvement processes will be enhanced by groups of people with different ideas working together.

As a club we embrace of follow the Hockey Victoria inclusion and diversity policy HV’s Diversity Statement 


The selection policies set out the basis upon which we select players to play in our teams and the criteria we will apply in doing so.  The junior selection policy SUHC Junior Selection and Rotation  is designed to balance the needs of hockey players of all ages and abilities such that players have enjoyable and successful involvement in hockey.  The policy specifically considers selection of players in mixed sides, players wishing to play outside of their age groups.  The men’s selection policy  and women’s selection policy set out the selection criteria for players, coaches and other selectors.


At Southern United we follow the Hockey Victoria policy regarding inclement weather including thunder storms 

As younger people cannot regulate body temperature as well as adults, at Southern we have a specific policy for junior hockey. Policy is available here

The forecast for Farm Rd can be easily seen by looking at BOM Meteye for Moorabbin airport These temperature forecast will be used for Southern United heat policy.

For senior hockey, Southern United Hockey Club follows the weather guidelines put out by Sports Medicine Australia and Hockey Australia. For hot weather see here

Lightning guidelines from the HA policy are:

Lightning is the visible part of an electrical discharge. Thunder is the resulting sound from the rapid expansion of the air after this electrical discharge. Sound follows light at 0.34 km/sec. Check the forecast and watch the sky. Darkening skies, flashes or lightning, or increasing wind may indicate an approaching storm. 

Lightning safety tips: 

Use the 30/30 Lightning Rule. If the time between the lightning flash and the thunder sound is less than 30 SECONDS then play should be suspended, and not resumed until 30 MINUTES after the last thunder (30 seconds relates to 10 Kilometres away). 

Find safe shelter. Sturdy buildings are the safest place to be during lightning storms. Avoid sheds, picnic shelters, metal coaching boxes and goals. Staying in a car with windows closed also offers some protection. 


Thunder is not usually heard 24-32 kilometres from the lightning strike. 

Basic guidelines Hot Humid days here and dryer days below.



Our coaches and committee have working with children checks. Coaches, committee, team managers please record your WWCC  when you complete your HV registration here. If not playing, please complete Non Playing registration which is free.  Southern United Hockey Club must be specified in the WWCC as volunteer organization.

SUHC Financial Management Policy

Click here


Click here


We follow concussion guidelines from Hockey Australia which are here and the concussion toolkit here

Concussion process workflow here   and poster

Concussion reporting here 



As a club we welcome all to our community. We happily follow the Hockey Australia Guidelines for community sport which can be found here