Children who are under 10 – born in 2007 or later, can take part in our program designed specifically for younger children.
If new to hockey they can first be part of our hook in 2 hockey program. Following that we have a program targetted at children under 8, and another for those 9 or 10.
Registration for Under 8s or under 10 can be completed at
Under 8 Intra Club
The program for under 8 children, continues on Friday after, similar to hook in to hockey, 4.30pm at Farm Rd. This program allows the children to build on their skills, and then take part in small sided games in their teams. The first session is on April 20th, running through to June 29th. A second term of it will then take place from 20th July. There will be no hockey on the Friday of Queens birthday weekend.
Under 10 Quarter Field
The program for children under 10 (2008 or later) gives the children a chance to learn and hone their skills at training on a Thursday 5.30-6.30pm at Farm Rd, and then put them in to practice in games on a Saturday morning also at Farm Rd. The games on Saturday morning are “Quarter field” games, where the teams from Southern United, Mentone and Bayside play in a friendly environment.
The games take place at 8.30am, with the first game early May and running through to August 19th.
Under 10 Half Field
Southern United will have one boys team and one girls team taking part in the Hockey Victoria competition that plays in a league that plays in a round robin format on a Saturday morning. Training will be at Brighton Secondary College, Dendy St Brighton on Thursdays 5.30-6.30 post Easter and games on Saturday morning.