Southern United Hockey Club

New Player Information

The Southern United Hockey Club welcomes new players of all levels of experience. If you would like to learn to play hockey in 2024, or come and play in 2024 please let us know via the link here.  

The SUHC plays and trains out of 2 grounds – Farm Road in Cheltenham and Dendy Street, Brighton (Brighton Secondary College).

More details regarding player requirements here


The fees for the season are available on our registration page.


Please refer training schedule for training times


SUHC will have teams entered in age groups from Under 8 to Under 18 in 2024 with a strong club program for all juniors.

We are a family friendly club with grades for all players including Shield teams in all age groups as well as teams that cater for beginners from U8′s through to U18′s – so something for every players abilities no matter what age they start playing juniors.

In our junior section the main focus is to teach players the techniques and tactics to enable them to enjoy hockey to the standard they strive for. At Southern United Hockey Club we offer not only training during the season but also in the off season in the form of the Southern United Hockey Academy, Southern United Development Program, McKenzie’s Skills Clinics as well as our summer friendly hockey games.

Age groups for 2024 will be under 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18

  • Under 08 competition for children born on or after January 1 2017
  • Under 10 competition for children born on or after January 1 2015
  • Under 12 competition for children born on or after January 1 2013
  • Under 14 competition for children born on or after January 1 2011
  • Under 16 competition for children born on or after January 1 2009
  • Under 18 competition for children born on or after January 1 2007

Under 14 and Under 16 competitions will run on Friday nights, games should not start before 6.30pm or after 8.30pm. All games for Under 14, Under 16 and Under 18 are in a home and away format.


Under 12 competitions will run on Saturday mornings with games between 9.30am and 11.30 am in a home and away format.

Under 8 will play in the new venue based competition on Saturday morning at Farm Rd between 8.15m – 9.15am.

Under 10 will play in the new venue based competition on Saturday morning at Farm Rd between 9.15m – 10.15am.

Any queries please contact the junior section at


Southern United Hockey Club runs an extensive program for young children wanting to join the game of hockey. The season will start for new players with a Free Come & Try hockey session, followed by a 5 week intens Hookin2Hockey program. 

For more details please see

In term 2 and term 3 the Hookin2Hockey children have the opportunity to continue their hockey journey in the U8, U10 and U12 sections. 


SUHC will have 7 mens teams entered in the HV Winter Competition in 2025 – Premier League, PL Reserves, Pennant A  C, D and E and 1 Metro teams as well as  four teams in the Monday night open age competition. Any queries regarding our Men’s Premier League team please contact our PL Coach Neil Hodgson via our men’s section leader.  For information on any other teams please contact Steve Duffield our Men Section Leader via email.


SUHC will have 5 womens teams entered in the HV Winter Competition in 2025 – Premier League, Premier League Reserves.  Pennant B, Pennant D, and Pennant E and 1 Metro team. For any information regarding the women section please contact our Women Section Leader Deb Ghuliani


SUHC will have 5 masters teams entered in the HV Winter Competition in 2020 45B+ and 45C+ playing on Monday nights, masters 50+ playing Wednesday night and Ladies B grade playing on Wednesday nights. Our teams are always looking for more players of all abilities – from top grade players to people who have never played hockey before.  Please contact Sue Styles our Masters Section Leader if you are interested in joining the SUHC Masters Hockey section.