Southern United Hockey Club


Listed below are some of the jobs we would love some help in.



Working with Children Check Co-ordinator

It is essential that all our volunteers who have any involvement with players under 18, whether it be coach or team manager, have a valid Working With Children Check. The WWCC co-ordinator manages the list of volunteers together with their WWCC status. This does not take a large amount of time, but vital to the running of the club.





Social Media Helper

The club’s social media represents the whole club. To continue the success of our social media we would love to have people from different areas of the club to: post stories on social media, report through to our social media co-ordinator bigger ticket items to post.

We also require social media helper manages the posts for fixtures and results each week.  The posts are created using Canva with results and fixtures in google sheets.

These do not require a significant amount of time.





Social Media co-ordinator

Running and co-ordinating the social media for the club helps ensure that we have a common approach to our social media and cover all bases.  The Social Media co-ordinator helps set the direction for our social media, helping post the key items in Facebook, Instagram and X.





Web Site Content Administrator

Our website is managed by an external company. We, as a community, manage the content within the website. We require and administrator (and helpers) to keep the content on our website up to date. The website is a WordPress website, keeping the content up to date does not required technical skills.





The Wrap Editor

Our weekly wrap within the winter season has become a key communication tool for the club. We would love a new person, or persons, to take on the task of bringing the wrap together each week. The job involves collecting reports from each team, gathering results and photos and bringing all this information together to create, and then send the wrap out. 

The wrap is produced in MailChimp, it does not require significant technical skills. This is a commitment each week, it is also possible to have multiple share this role to reduce the effort.





Pitch Booking Manager

Our pitch is available for schools and other external groups to hire. Our pitch booking manager, tracks the bookings, and wait lists for these bookings. 





Grant identification and co-ordination

Various government bodies regularly offer grants to organizations. We ideally need a person who can help identify available grants and co-ordinate  the grant submissions and writing of our grant applications.





Sponsorship ideas/management

Our club is fortunate to have a couple of major sponsors, but as a club we also rely on our smaller sponsors.  We require a person, or people, to help us with sponsorship ideas and management/development of sponsors. The role can be as small or large as you want it to be.





Junior Section Treasurer

The junior section treasurer assists the club treasurer of management of umpire payments to junior team managers, management of player fees where corrections/changes are required and  assists the junior section president with management budgetting for the year. 

This only requires a small amount of time, and requires organizational skills.





Junior Umpire Co-ordinator

The role of junior umpire co-ordinator involves allocating umpires each week to junior games.  Hockey Victoria allocate many of the Friday night umpires, and the co-ordinator allocates Southern umpires where there is no HV umpire allocated, as well as umpires for all Saturday morning games.  This role does require commitment each week, but it can be split over multiple people eg one manages Friday night and another Saturday morning, or week about.  





Accreditation Co-Ordinator

As a club we have significant number of coaches, umpires and technical officials that are accredited with Hockey Australia with various qualifications, We also have an obligation to ensure that we do have the at least the minimum number of  these accreditations. The accreditation co-ordinator tracks/manages our umpires and coaches, together with accreditations to ensure we have appropriate numbers.

This does not require significant time, only ad-hoc.





General Garden Maintenance

We love our gardens around Farm Rd, Ronnie’s Garden of course has special meaning.  If you are a frustrated gardener who does not have a garden, or someone who just cannot do enough, or even just want to help, we would love some people to help regularly with the garden.  No need to commit for ever. But if you are interested in helping with the garden, please let us know.





Team Manager

Each and every team requires a team manager in some form. A junior team manager has slightly different responsibilities to senior team managers. Team manager duties include:

  • Recording team lists, goals, cards and getting sign off of team sheet
  • Paying Umpire (we provide you with the funds to do this)
  • Enter team sheet in to Hockey Victoria fixtures and results system
  • Helping manage the team at the game
  • For junior teams especially checking with players/parents who is available each week

If you are able to help as a team manager, please let us know